Nordic Genealogical Society of Southern California

HISTORICAL MAPS of Scandinavia: Bronze Age - Early Germanic Migrations - Early Scandinavian Trading - VIKINGS - Post-Vikings - DNA Mapping

01. Wikimedia Map showing early migrations in Europe and Southern Scandinavia from 150 to 500 A.D. (Note that by using the forward arrow on the webpage, you can view other historical maps.)

02. Periodis Web - Historical Atlas and Gazetteer of Europe. Shows European and Southern Scandinavian country borders in 100 year increments from Year 1 to 2000.

03. Map of Scandinavia, including Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and the Baltics dated about 1715 by Johann Baptist Homann, 1664–1724, a German geographer and cartographer.

04. Historical Maps of Norway at Kartverk from Norwegian Mapping Authority - Free downloadable printable Historical Maps of Norway, including County Maps. Note: These maps can be helpful in understanding the geographic area in which your ancestors lived - helpful for finding marriage partners, parents, siblings, etc. Do NOT use English language link on top of page for English language as it currently eliminates most choices.
(See the following for translated version of main page.)

Above Free Maps of Norway as translated by Google - Google's English translation of the above page. HOWEVER, you will need to use the original Norwegian version above to use links to navigate the website or do searches. (Try using 2 or more browser windows, 1 for each translated page plus one with the original page, to help with exploring and navigating this website.)

05. Old Maps Online Interesting collection of historical maps, including many for Scandinavian countries searchable by country, date range, and even many counties or large towns.

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The History of Scandinavia: Bronze Age - Early Germanic Migrations - Early Scandinavian Trading - VIKINGS - Post-Vikings - DNA Mapping

01. The History of Scandinavia at Wikipedia - the history of the geographical region of Scandinavia and its peoples.
Includes maps.

02. Migration of Nations: Migration of mainly Germanic groups in Central and Southern Europe between 375 and 568. Wikipedia article on the various early migrations in Europe and Scandinavia (translated via Google Translate), including Maps of early Europe and Southern Scandinavia.

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Last Update: 4/5/2020 - 10:58pm Peggy Wishon